Friday, May 29, 2015

Ashwagandha by Ayush Herbs at Free shipping on all orders.

Ashwagandha by Ayush Herbs 120 capsules and 60 capsules at

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Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is also known as the Indian ginseng is indicated in Ayurveda as a daily rasayana, or anti-aging therapy. It acts as an adaptogen and immune modulator; nourishing and strengthening the inner reserve of the human body. Ashwagandha literally means, "to impart the strength of the horse". Research shows Ashwagandha to promote anti-inflammatory, diuretic, sedative, antibacterial, anti-fungal and amoebicidal activity. Study of antitumor and radiosensitizing properties of Ashwagandha have yielded encouraging results. Studies have shown Ashwagandha to be an excellent hematinic, and to contain high levels of iron and free amino acids such as glycine, valine, tyrosine and alanine.

Ingredients: Ashwagandha ...500mg (Withania somnifera) Withanoloides ...5mg. 

This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Check with your doctor before trying any product.



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