Saturday, May 23, 2015

Hyper GTF by Priority One at

Hyper GTF by Priority One at The Minus Shop.
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The ingredients in Hyper GTF stabilize fluctuating blood sugar levels by stimulating the pancreas and allowing better insulin usage. May be helpful for: Metabolic syndrome and Insulin Resistance.

Amount per Serving:
Chromium (Polynicotinate) 500 mcg
Gymnema Sylvestre 1500 mg
(Standardized Extract 24% Gymnemic Acid)
Bitter Melon Extract 120 mg
Fenugreek Seed Extract 150 mg
Syzgium Jambolanum 50 mg
Blueberry Extract (4:1) 150 mg.

This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  

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