Thursday, October 15, 2015

Find Active B-Complex by Integrative Therapeutics at The Minus Shop in Kirkland, Washington and online at

Find Active B-Complex by Integrative Therapeutics at The Minus Shop in Kirkland, Washington and online at Get free shipping on all orders.

Active B-Complex is a balanced, hypoallergenic B-complex formula featuring the active forms of vitamins B2, B6 and B12. It also contains Quatrefolic, the stabilized glucosamine salt of (6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolate, a reduced and active form of folic acid. 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF) is directly usable by the human body as a methyl donor and as such, supports healthy homocysteine blood levels.
Pure, hypoallergenic, vegetarian B-complex formula.

Amount Per Serving:
Thiamin ... 50mg
(as thiamin HCl)(vitamin B1)
Riboflavin ... 50mg
(as riboflavin and riboflavin-5-phosphate)
Niacin ... 100mg
(as inositol hexaniacinate)
Vitamin B6 ... 50mg
(as pyridoxine HCl and pyridoxal-5-phosphate)
L-Methyltetrahydrofolate ... 800mcg
(as Quatrefolic brand (6S)-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate, glucosamine salt)
Vitamin B12 ... 1mg
(as methylcobalamin)
Biotin ... 300mcg
Pantothenic Acid ... 100mg
(as calcium D-pantothenate)
Choline Bitartrate ... 250mg
Inositol ... 250mg.  

The product has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Check with your doctor before trying any product.


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