Thursday, October 29, 2015

Vital-Zymes Complete by Klaire Labs at Free shipping.

Find Vital-Zymes Complete 120 capsules by Klaire Labs at The Minus Shop located in Kirkland, Washington and also online at Free shipping on all orders.

This high-potency, multi-enzyme formulation offers an unusually complete range of plant/microbial-based enzymes that work in concert to help maintain normal enzyme levels that support the body's digestive capabilities and assist intestinal repair mechanisms. The broad-spectrum combination of enzymes in Vital-Zymes Complete maximizes the breakdown, absorption, and utilization of macronutrients from the widest spectrum of foods, including proteins and protein peptides, carbohydrates, disaccharides, and sugars, lipids/fats, and vegetable fibers. As such, Vital-Zymes Complete can serve as an important dietary adjunct for individuals requiring maximal nutrient uptake and for those with compromised gastrointestinal function such as maldigestion, malabsorption, dysbiosis, or intestinal inflammation.

Ingredients: Comprehensive Enzyme Blend ...800mg With the following minimum enzyme activity: Carbohydrate Specific Enzymes Amylase ...1830 BAU (80,000 MWU) Alpha Amylase ...100 SKBU Glucoamylase ...30 AGU Sugar Specific Enyzmes Lactase ...1,500 FCC LaCU Sucrase (invertase) ...400 SU Maltase ...200 DP (300 MWU) Pullulanase ...25 Units Vegetable/Plant Fiber Specific Enzymes Cellulase ...500 CU Hemicellulase/Pectinase Complex ...200 HSU Phytase ...10 PU Beta Glucanase ...20 BGI Alpha-Galactosidase ...100 AGSU Galactomannase ...200 HCU Protein and Peptide Specific Enzymes Acid Protease ...50 SAPU Alkaline Protease ...50 PC Protease/Peptidase Complex ...200,000 DPPU (40,000 HUT) with DPP-IV endo-peptidase/exo-peptidase activity Fat Specific Enyzmes Lipase ...1,500 FCC (15,000 LU) Other Enzymes Lysozyme (from egg white) ...100,000 SHU Serratia peptidase (enteric-coated) ...2,500 SPU.

This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Check with your doctor before trying any product.

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