Saturday, June 6, 2015

Adreno Distress Guard by Perque, and other products by Perque, at Free shipping.

Adreno Distress Guard by Perque at The Minus Shop and online at

Free shipping.

Benefit: Improves weight management, restorative sleep, memory and fatigue.
Perque's Adreno Distress Guard is a natural, non-stimulating product that effectively rehabilitates the body's energy system at the cellular level so the glands can again function in youthful, resilient, and effective ways while not over-taxing an
exhausted gland.
Perque's Adreno Distress Guard uniquely combines special forms of Rhodiola, Magnolia, and Phellodendron micellized in perilla oil and Medium Chain Triglycerides derived from raw palm fruit. Adreno Distress Guard restores adrenal energy, improves thyroid hormone function and enhances immune hormonal functions with evidence-based  science to support the safer, trophorestorative rehabilitation of energy molecules (adrenalines) and control hormones like cortisol and DHEA.

Amount Per Serving:
Rhodiola ... 300mg
Relora ... 500mg
(Magnolia officianalis + Phellodendron amurense)
Perilla oil ... 800mg
Medium Chain Triglycerides ... 250mg                     
(MCTs from raw, palm fruit)
Phosphatidylcholine ... 90mg
Beeswax ... 70mg
Kosher gelatin ... 500mg
Glycerin ... 12mg
Water ... 20mg
Turmeric powder ... 12mg.

This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Check with your doctor before starting any product.

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