Saturday, June 6, 2015

Wobenzym N by Douglas Laboratories at

Wobenzym N by Douglas Laboratories at The Minus Shop and online at

Free shipping on all orders.

Wobenzym N supports a healthy immune system by supplying specific enzymes to the body.
Natural support for immune, joint, muscle and tendon health.
Ingredients backed by decades of clinical research.
Positive history of use by over 100 million people worldwide.
Consumer loyalty of over 80%.
Safe and effective.
All natural active ingredients.

Three (3) Tablets Contain:
Pancreatin ...300mg
56,000 USP units protease (pancreas) Sus scrofa
Papain ...180mg
492 FIP-unit Carica papaya
Bromelain ...135mg
675 FIP-unit Ananas comosus
Trypsin ...72mg
2,160 FIP-unit (pancreas) Sus scrofa
Chymotrypsin ...3mg
900 FIP-unit (pancreas) Bos taurus
Rutoside trihydrate ...150mg
(Rutin) Sophora japonica.

This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not intended to diagnose. treat, cure or prevent any disease. Check with your doctor before starting any product.


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